Friday 18 January 2013


Today is an amazing day to listen to french music and do work. The snow is inches thick and I am all snuggled in bed thanks to school being closed! I'm pretty estatic that I have a day off. Woop long weekend. The only bugger is I don't have 500 Days of Summer to watch, which is what I've been craving for the past fortnight or so, which is where this beautiful song comes from. Ho-well, the best I can do is fill my day up with the music. I can't wait to have some hot chocolate and where my fluffy socks. I'm not sure if I want to venture out or not today, I'll just take it in strides and see how I feel. As it's not just the cold that gets me, it's the wet that seems to just loove my ankles...

It was around about this time last year that I went to my friend's house, and we sat in her room by the window looking at the snow glisten in the moonlight. It looked a little artificial though because of the hurrendous street lamps, however still was inviting. It was fun being so naive last year, and I guess this year as I haven't grown up that much throughout, which is a ditty bit crummy. Anyway, I'll let you all have a lovely snow day, I'm going to fuel myself up ready for the day!

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Thank you for your banter! I look forward to reading it!

Piece done by Amy Ross